EMDR Therapy
Our Austin certified therapists use EMDR therapy and EMDR treatment to show that the mind can heal from psychological trauma much like the body recovers from physical trauma.
What is EMDR Therapy?
Since its inception in 1989, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy has helped millions of people find relief from many of life’s challenges. EMDR treatment was developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro and is one of the most researched and proven psychotherapy approaches on the market today. That is why EMDR is a highly sought-after treatment for trauma, anxiety, panic, depression, and many other challenges that cause emotional distress and pain.
EMDR is effective to use as a treatment for adverse life experiences, which means any experience that was overwhelming at the time that it happened. Current challenges such as low self-esteem, lack of confidence, reactivity, difficulty letting go of negative emotions and feelings, lead to challenging behaviors patterns that we can’t seem to change easily on our own. These challenges are frequently caused by adverse or traumatic life experiences that happened in the past. A substantial body of research shows that adverse life experiences contribute to both mental and physical difficulties over a person’s lifespan.
Much research has been done on the effectiveness of EMDR. To learn more, check out EMDRIA, the official organization and accrediting body for EMDR-certified therapists.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is an empirically validated treatment for trauma and adverse life experiences. Understanding the impact of adverse life experiences is important because we can now link these experiences to chronic stress reactions that occur in the body, creating psychological and biological changes later in life.
The scary part is that if left untreated people can be at risk for both mental and physical health issues later in life. The challenges do not go away, and they can often get bigger as we struggle to not think about the problem and find ways to cope with our pain that are maladaptive and cause more problems.
The EMDR Process
When you come in for EMDR therapy the first thing we will do is make a map of your adverse life experiences. We will identify the experiences that are contributing to your current challenge. These “experiences” become “targets” for EMDR processing. The processing activates the brain’s natural healing process, allowing the memory to be properly stored properly. Once a memory is properly stored in the brain you will no longer experience the disturbing thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that were associated with it. This naturally creates changes in behavior and experience. Learn more about Austin EMDR intensive therapy and it’s benefits
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does Connected Heart Therapy cost?
Costs vary according to the counselor and length of appointment you select. In general, the cost of counseling with Connected Heart Therapy ranges from $55-$220 per session. The number of sessions per week or per month is completely up to you (we recommend discussing the ideal frequency with your individual counselor). At this time Connected Heart therapists do not accept insurance or Medicaid.
How does EMDR work?
Weaving EMDR into Therapy with Wendy Byrd, LPC, LMFT
Podcast link for emails and social media:
Episode Description:
We know that at its best talk therapy, regardless of the theoretical approach being utilized is typically limited in helping folks fully process through and let go of trauma. But, what about those times when, as therapists, we find ourselves working with a patient that seems to be stuck in their treatment process, due to experienced trauma? Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an approach we can utilize to help patients accelerate the information, processing other traumatic events, and developing more truth-based assessment and understanding of the event and themselves. In this episode, Dr. Graham Taylor is joined by Wendy Byrd, LPC, LMFT, and president of the Board of Directors for EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). Wendy has over 15 years of experience in working with trauma and together Graham and Wendy discuss the incorporation of EMDR woven into the therapeutic process.
How will I communicate with my therapist?
After selecting your therapist and booking your selected time, you will be prompted to create an account in our secure client portal. You will sign in there to meet with your therapist virtually over video chat. If you are located in Austin, Texas you may choose to meet with select therapists in person.
Why is untreated trauma so important to understand?
The Impact of Untreated Trauma with Wendy Byrd, LPC, LMFT
Podcast link for emails and social media:
Episode Description:
Trauma and traumatic events can impact us, and those effects can ripple to other aspects of our lives that we may not be aware of. In today’s episode, Dr. Graham Taylor is joined by Wendy Byrd, LPC, LMFT, and president of the Board of Directors for EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). Together they discuss the impact of trauma and the ways the brain stores a traumatic event, like issues in avoidance, betrayal of self, substance use, shame, and the biological and physiological effects of our own body. We also discuss how trauma can ripple into our family system and impact relationships in your life, show up in how you parent your children, and the risks of secondary trauma. We want to encourage the importance of seeking treatment, so trauma does not negatively affect those in your lives, around you nor limit your potential in life.
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