Intensive Couples & Relationship Therapy Weekend Workshop
Get ready to experience a one-of-a-kind transformative weekend with your partner
Our Couples Workshop
Over the course of three days, you and your significant other will get up to 6 hours of intensive relationship therapy as well as 4.5 hours of EMDR and Imago couples intensive therapy with our Austin team of certified EMDR therapists. Then, in a truly safe space, we’ll come together as a small group to process our experiences and insights through couples therapy.
Each couple will receive private intensive sessions, bodywork, and group processing. Bodywork modalities include craniosacral massage, Swedish massage, and Reiki.
Request Information
Do You Feel Like…
Your relationship is hanging on by a thread?
You often think about leaving?
You wonder if (or you know!) past traumas are harming your life as a couple?
You believe your relationship could be so much more joyous and fulfilling?

Over the Course of the Workshop Weekend You Will…
Memory Map
Create a “memory map” that identifies the memories most relevant to your current marriage challenges.
Build a foundation of friendship as you turn toward your partner.
Conflict Management
Discover tools to handle conflict constructively rather than destructively.
Get meaningful insights into the long-standing patterns in your relationship.
Design an actionable plan to help you grow intimacy, honesty, and love once you return to your everyday life.
Book an appointment
Ask a question or book an appointment below.
For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital.